Contact Us.

If you are needing legal representation, we’d love to meet with you to learn more about your case and how we can help. Request a consultation by filling out the form below or by giving us a call at our office.

3 + 5 =

2201 N. Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73106

(405) 605-8073

(405) 212-9112

Intake Forms

CIVIL General Intake Form

Completion of this Intake Form does not constitute a contract between you and the BLG Law PLLC. This form is to gather general information to help us evaluate your need for legal services. The terms and conditions of the Attorney-Client Relationship will be memorialized in writing in a contract for legal services or other document signed by all parties. Even if you do not enter into an Attorney-Client relationship, information submitted on this form and/or discussed in a consultation is confidential and subject to the Attorney-Client privilege.

Emplyoment Intake Form

This form is to be completed if you have an employment issue only.  If you are seeking legal help with any other matter, please complete the General Intake Form. This form is used to gather the necessary information to help us evaluate your claim and does not constitute a contract between you and the BLG Law PLLC. The terms and conditions of the Attorney-Client Relationship will be memorialized in writing in a contract for legal services or other documents signed by all parties.  Even if you do not enter into an Attorney-Client relationship, information submitted on this form and/or discussed in a consultation is confidential and subject to the Attorney-Client privilege.

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